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Meganet Corporation (MGNT)

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Meganet Corporation

2510 East Sunset Road
Unit 5-777
Las Vegas, NV 89120
United States

BrancheSecurity & Protection Services

Leitende Angestellte

Mr. Saul BackalChairman, CEO, CFO & Secretary120,01kN/A1963
Ms. Merav BackalVice President and DirectorN/AN/A1967
Ms. Orna MizrahiTreasurer and DirectorN/AN/A1967
Die Beträge haben den Stand 31. Dezember 2017 und Kompensationswerte gelten für das letzte Geschäftsjahr bis zu diesem Datum. Der Lohn umfasst Gehalt, Boni usw. „Ausgeübt“ entspricht dem Wert von Optionen, die im Lauf des Geschäftsjahrs ausgeübt werden. Währung in USD.


Meganet Corporation invents, develops, and markets data security, intelligence/counter-intelligence, and military operational devices. It provides encrypted products that protect data in biometric USB storage devices, computer files, email, chat, file transfer protocol, and others, as well as digital signature applications and an electronic file shredder that allows for the secure shredding of confidential files, folders, and disks. The company also offers bomb jammers that include motorcade applications for protecting convoys and soldier backpack applications for protecting foot patrols, dismounted backpack portable jammers, and facility jammers; communication interception products, including real-time cell phones, as well as satellite, Wi-Fi, and other communication interceptors; and secure communication applications consisting of encrypted cell phones, land lines, fax, PDA, radios, satellite phones, and others. In addition, it offers intelligence/counter-intelligence products include bugs, bug detectors, bomb sniffers, miniature cameras, and SPY and RAT phones, as well as digital video recorders; national security solutions for border protection from land, sea, and air; unmanned aerial vehicles, including airplanes and helicopters; ballistic projectiles and anti-aircraft guns, and optics; over the horizon radar system enabling to see ships in sea from the shore; and military products. The company develops data security solutions for enterprise, large organizations, and corporations worldwide, including the U.S. Department of Defense, military intelligence, and the Federal Government. It markets and sells its products through Federal Government GSA (U.S. General Services Administration) schedule, a government SEWP (Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement), Website, email, electronic catalogs, and domestic and international distributors. Meganet Corporation was founded in 2009 and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Corporate Governance

Meganet Corporations ISS Governance QualityScore, Stand N/A, lautet N/A. Die grundlegenden Scores sind Audit: N/A, Vorstand: N/A, Shareholderrechte: N/A, Kompensation: N/A.

Corporate-Governance-Bewertungen von Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). Die Werte geben den Zehntelwert im Verhältnis zum Index oder zur Region an. Ein Zehntelwert von 1 zeigt geringeres Governance-Risiko, 10 höheres Governance-Risiko.