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Electromedical Technologies, Inc. (EMED)

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Electromedical Technologies, Inc.

16413 North 91st Street
Suite C140
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
United States
888 880 7888

BrancheMedical Devices

Leitende Angestellte

Mr. Matthew N. WolfsonCEO, President, Chairman, CFO, Treasurer & Secretary425kN/A1972
Mr. Petar GajicCIO, Director of Technology & Employee DirectorN/AN/A1972
Mr. Tad M. MailanderCounselN/AN/A1956
Ms. Kathy Strand R.N.Director of Sales & TrainingN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Alexander A. PedenkoChief Medical AdvisorN/AN/AN/A
Die Beträge haben den Stand 31. Dezember 2023 und Kompensationswerte gelten für das letzte Geschäftsjahr bis zu diesem Datum. Der Lohn umfasst Gehalt, Boni usw. „Ausgeübt“ entspricht dem Wert von Optionen, die im Lauf des Geschäftsjahrs ausgeübt werden. Währung in USD.


Electromedical Technologies, Inc., a bioelectronics manufacturing and marketing company, provides medical devices for pain management in the United States. The company offers WellnessPro Plus, a bioelectronics therapy prescription device that is used by consumers and health care professionals to relieve chronic and acute pain. It also develops WellnessPro POD, a compact clinical-grade wearable device for pain management; and Wellness ION Pen, an interferential cold laser used to deliver targeted frequency stimulation to improve circulation and tissue healing, and reduce inflammation and pain. The company serves chiropractors, physiotherapists, pain management doctors and clinicians, natural medicine doctors, sports medicine doctors, and athletic trainers. Electromedical Technologies, Inc. was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Corporate Governance

Electromedical Technologies, Inc.s ISS Governance QualityScore, Stand N/A, lautet N/A. Die grundlegenden Scores sind Audit: N/A, Vorstand: N/A, Shareholderrechte: N/A, Kompensation: N/A.

Corporate-Governance-Bewertungen von Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). Die Werte geben den Zehntelwert im Verhältnis zum Index oder zur Region an. Ein Zehntelwert von 1 zeigt geringeres Governance-Risiko, 10 höheres Governance-Risiko.