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Mitsubishi Corporation (8058.T)

Tokyo - Tokyo Verzögerter Preis. Währung in JPY
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2.848,50+68,50 (+2,46%)
Börsenschluss: 03:15PM JST

Mitsubishi Corporation

Mitsubishi Shoji Building
3-1, Marunouchi 2-Chome Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8086
81 3 3210 2121


Leitende Angestellte

Mr. Yutaka KashiwagiEVP, Corporate Functional Officer of HR, Global Planning, Coordination & IT and Director115MN/A1964
Mr. Katsuya NakanishiPresident, CEO & DirectorN/AN/A1960
Mr. Yuzo NouchiExecutive VP, Corporate Functional Officer, CFO & Representative DirectorN/AN/A1964
Mr. Yoshihiro ShimazuSenior VP & GM of Corporate Accounting DepartmentN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Yoshiyuki NojimaEVP,Corp Fun Off of Corp Adm & Leg.,GM of Corp Adm and Off for Emer Crisis Mgmt HQ & DirectorN/AN/AN/A
Kenji KobayashiSenior VP, CSEO and GM of Investor & Shareholder Relations Dept.N/AN/AN/A
Mr. Kotaro TsukamotoSenior EVP, Senior Asst to President & CEO, Chief Compliance Officer and DirectorN/AN/AN/A
Mr. Akihiro KurosawaSenior VP & GM of Legal DepartmentN/AN/AN/A
Reiko KashiwabaraSenior VP & GM of Global Human Resources Dept.N/AN/AN/A
Mr. Kazuo ItoSenior VP and Division COO of Logistics & Food Distribution Div.N/AN/A1968
Die Beträge haben den Stand 31. Dezember 2022 und Kompensationswerte gelten für das letzte Geschäftsjahr bis zu diesem Datum. Der Lohn umfasst Gehalt, Boni usw. „Ausgeübt“ entspricht dem Wert von Optionen, die im Lauf des Geschäftsjahrs ausgeübt werden. Währung in JPY.


Mitsubishi Corporation engages in the natural gas, industrial materials and infrastructure, chemicals, mineral resources, automotive and mobility, food and consumer industry, power solution, and urban development businesses worldwide. The Natural Gas segment engages in the development and production of natural gas/oil; and liquified natural gas business. Its Industrial Materials segment engages in sale, trading, investment, and development of materials, including steel products, silica sand, cement, ready-mixed concrete, carbon materials, PVC, and functional chemicals for the automobile, mobility, construction, and infrastructure industries. The Chemicals segment invests in, develops, and trades in ethylene, methanol, salt, ammonia, plastics, and fertilizers. Its Mineral Resources segment invests in and develops copper, metallurgical coal, iron ore, and aluminum. The Industrial Infrastructure segment trades in the field of energy infrastructure, industrial plants, machinery tools, construction and agricultural machinery, elevators, escalators, facility management, ships, and aerospace related equipment. Its Automotive & Mobility segment produces, finances, and sells passenger and commercial cars; and mobility services. The Food Industry segment trades, develops, and sells food resources, fresh foods, consumer goods, and food ingredients. Its Consumer Industry segment supplies products and services a range of fields, including retail and distribution, logistics, healthcare, and apparel. The Power Solution segment is involved in the power and water related businesses, including power generation and transmission, power trading and retail, and development of hydrogen energy sources. Its Urban Development segment engages in the urban real estate development, operation, and management; and leasing and infrastructure businesses. The company was incorporated in 1950 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

Corporate Governance

Mitsubishi Corporations ISS Governance QualityScore, Stand 1. September 2024, lautet 5. Die grundlegenden Scores sind Audit: 1, Vorstand: 7, Shareholderrechte: 4, Kompensation: 1.

Corporate-Governance-Bewertungen von Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). Die Werte geben den Zehntelwert im Verhältnis zum Index oder zur Region an. Ein Zehntelwert von 1 zeigt geringeres Governance-Risiko, 10 höheres Governance-Risiko.