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Taiga Building Products Ltd. (TGAFF)

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Taiga Building Products Ltd.

800 - 4710 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 4M2

Sektor(en)Basic Materials
BrancheBuilding Materials

Leitende Angestellte

Mr. Ian TongExecutive Chairman of the Board579,97kN/A1988
Mr. Russell Robert PermannPresident & CEO1,41MN/AN/A
Mr. Mark Schneidereit-HsuCFO, VP of Finance & Administration and Corporate Secretary557,32kN/AN/A
Mr. Michael SivuchaChief Operating Officer1,21MN/AN/A
Dr. Kooi Ong TongExecutive Director620,86kN/A1959
Die Beträge haben den Stand 31. Dezember 2023 und Kompensationswerte gelten für das letzte Geschäftsjahr bis zu diesem Datum. Der Lohn umfasst Gehalt, Boni usw. „Ausgeübt“ entspricht dem Wert von Optionen, die im Lauf des Geschäftsjahrs ausgeübt werden. Währung in USD.


Taiga Building Products Ltd. operates as a wholesale distributor of building products in Canada and the United States. It offers dimension lumber; panel products, such as plywood, particle board, and oriented strand board products; and allied and treated products, such as roofing materials, moldings, composite decking, and polyethylene sheeting products, as well as batt and foam insulation, flooring, and engineered and treated wood products. The company also provides treated wood products used in fencing, decking, foundation, landscaping, and external applications, as well as produces pressure-treated wood products. It serves to building products retailers, building supply yards, and industrial manufacturers. The company was founded in 1973 and is headquartered in Burnaby, Canada. Taiga Building Products Ltd. operates as a subsidiary of Avarga Limited.

Corporate Governance

Taiga Building Products Ltd.s ISS Governance QualityScore, Stand N/A, lautet N/A. Die grundlegenden Scores sind Audit: N/A, Vorstand: N/A, Shareholderrechte: N/A, Kompensation: N/A.

Corporate-Governance-Bewertungen von Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). Die Werte geben den Zehntelwert im Verhältnis zum Index oder zur Region an. Ein Zehntelwert von 1 zeigt geringeres Governance-Risiko, 10 höheres Governance-Risiko.