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Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PEG)

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Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated

80 Park Plaza
Newark, NJ 07102
United States
973 430 7000

BrancheUtilities - Regulated Electric

Leitende Angestellte

Mr. Ralph A. LaRossaChair, President & CEO3,17MN/A1963
Mr. Daniel J. CreggExecutive VP & CFO1,49MN/A1964
Ms. Tamara Louise Linde Esq.Executive VP & General Counsel1,36MN/A1965
Ms. Kim C. HanemannPresident & COO of Public Service Electric & Gas1,32MN/A1964
Mr. Zeeshan SheikhSenior VP and Chief Information & Digital OfficerN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Carlotta N. ChanVice President of Investor RelationsN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Courtney McCormickSenior Vice President of Audit, Enterprise Risk & ComplianceN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Karen CleeveVice President of Corporate CommunicationsN/AN/AN/A
Ms. Sheila J. RostiacSenior VP of Human Resources, Chief Human Resources & Chief Diversity Officer - ServicesN/AN/A1971
Mr. Richard T. ThigpenSenior Vice President of Corporate CitizenshipN/AN/A1961
Die Beträge haben den Stand 31. Dezember 2023 und Kompensationswerte gelten für das letzte Geschäftsjahr bis zu diesem Datum. Der Lohn umfasst Gehalt, Boni usw. „Ausgeübt“ entspricht dem Wert von Optionen, die im Lauf des Geschäftsjahrs ausgeübt werden. Währung in USD.


Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated, through its subsidiaries, operates in electric and gas utility business in the United States. It operates through PSE&G and PSEG Power segments. The PSE&G segment transmits electricity; distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial, and industrial customers; and appliance services and repairs to customers through its service territory, as well as invests in solar generation projects, and energy efficiency and related programs. The PSEG Power segment engages in nuclear generation businesses; and supplies power and natural gas to nuclear power plants and gas storage facilities activities. As of December 31, 2023, it had electric transmission and distribution system of 25,000 circuit miles and 866,600 poles; 56 switching stations with an installed capacity of 39,953 megavolt-amperes (MVA), and 235 substations with an installed capacity of 10,382 MVA; 109 MVA aggregate installed capacity for substations; four electric distribution headquarters and five electric sub-headquarters; 18,000 miles of gas mains, 12 gas distribution headquarters, two sub-headquarters, and one meter shop, as well as 56 natural gas metering and regulating stations; and 158 MegaWatts defined conditions of installed PV solar capacity. Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated was founded in 1903 and is based in Newark, New Jersey.

Corporate Governance

Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporateds ISS Governance QualityScore, Stand 1. September 2024, lautet 3. Die grundlegenden Scores sind Audit: 2, Vorstand: 4, Shareholderrechte: 5, Kompensation: 4.

Corporate-Governance-Bewertungen von Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). Die Werte geben den Zehntelwert im Verhältnis zum Index oder zur Region an. Ein Zehntelwert von 1 zeigt geringeres Governance-Risiko, 10 höheres Governance-Risiko.